Medium Turret - Ion Pulse

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/12 08:32

Medium Turret - Ion Pulse

TypeMedium Turret
Available FromBOR
Fitted ToMedium, Large, Xtra Large ships and Stations
Required LicenseMilitary License (+10)

In-game Description

Ion Pulse armaments use magnetic acceleration to launch ionised shards of super-heated plasma. As with most Boron armaments, such projectiles are more effective in depleting shields than damaging hulls of unshielded targets. Nevertheless, this weapon system, developed by Eleius Astrosecurity, excels at its intended purpose of intercepting fighters. As such Ion Pulse Turrets and Railguns are widely used on Boron military ships, and are known to clear a safe passage through enemy formations.

Tactical Overview

The Boron Ion Pulse Turret is designed as a long-range, high-velocity weapon, ideal for engaging targets early and with a reasonable degree of reliability. The high projectile speed minimizes the target's ability to dodge, and each shot carries substantial impact. However, it has a surprisingly large dispersion, resulting in notable inaccuracy, especially at longer ranges where fighters are frequently missed.

While the DPS against shields remains quite good, it falls short against hulls. The turret's very slow rotation speed makes it ill-suited for gunboats and corvettes, as their constant maneuvering hinders the Ion Pulse turret from obtaining a proper target lead and often doesn't get to fire at all.
It performs more effectively when installed on Destroyers and Carriers, where the extra range can be fully utilized.


- Very high shield damage

- Extremely high projectile speed

- Very long range

- High damage per shot



- Slow firing rate

- Low accuracy

- Low hull damage

- Very slow tracking speed



 Medium Ion Pulse Turret
Shield Damage Per Second195
Hull Damage Per Second90
Shield Damage Per Shot650
Hull Damage Per Shot300
Reload Time3.33s
Projectile Speed5500m/s
Maximum Range4675m
Rotation Speed30°/s
Hull Strength600

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits49.405 - 69.643
Energy Cells25
Turret Components20
Advanced Electronics10