Large Turret - Erlking Pulse

Last modified by Kajar on 2023/12/13 21:05

Large Turret - Erlking Pulse

TypeLarge Turret
Available FromData Vault
Fitted ToErlking Battleship
Required LicenseNone

In-game Description

The Erlking L Turret fires a single high speed projectile, superheated and accelerated by a custom pulsed laser. While fixed weapons usually outperform their turret counterparts of the same size, the Erlking's turrets are an unusual exception; the damage from this turret is comparable to, and might even exceed, that of L Pulse Laser weapons at close range. Over distance, however, the damage output falls off steeply, and at maximum range barely matches that of a standard L Pulse Laser turret. Although the Erlking is perfectly capable of defending itself at a distance, the high damage output of its turrets at short range makes it much more dangerous at close proximity, meaning that aggressive manoeuvres by the Erlking's pilot are rewarded. This exceptional performance is attributed to the Erlking's power core, from which the turrets draw energy.

Boso Ta commented that this turret employs electronic redundancies designed to be especially robust against internal radiation damage, and that this is necessary due to its slight but continuous exposure to the power core.

Tactical Overview

The Large turret exclusive to the Erlking-class battleship stands out as the most potent turret in the game, serving as an anti-everything powerhouse. It boasts unparalleled damage output, ranking as the highest among all turrets, coupled with the longest range. Not counting the Ion Net Launcher.

With the same projectile speed and accuracy as the Large Pulse turret, it proves effective at engaging any target. This turret effortlessly shreds through fighters, medium-sized vessels, capital ships, and stations, leaving no room for mercy.

However, such formidable power comes with a significant limitation, as it can only be mounted on the Erlking Battleship, reserving its immense capabilities for this unique ship. Acquiring the blueprints may prove somewhat annoying, and the installation requires an Extra Large Maintenance Bay or Fabrication Bay.

Interestingly, despite the description mentioning a potential damage drop-off at range, it seems this isn't the case in practice. The turret maintains the same damage output at maximum range and at close range.


- Highest Damage output of all turrets

- Extremely long firing range

- Fast projectiles

- Very accurate

- Very fast tracking speed for a large turret



- Only available on the Erlking Battleship




 Large Erlking Pulse Turret
Damage Per Second2306
Damage Per Shot2x 2652
Reload Time2.3s
Projectile Speed2040 m/s
Maximum Range9220m
Rotation Speed76°/s
Hull Strength4140

Construction Cost

Universal Build Method

Credits12.105 - 16.378
Energy Cells15
Turret Components6
Advanced Electronics4